kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

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History / Takeshima Korean song "Dokdo is Korea Land" & Korean old documents

This video were made from the contents based on WJF Project.

Several parts of the video clips in this video were quoted from the video works by user/SimpleTouchGroup for purpose of criticism. In these parts, beautiful girls sing a song named “Dokdo is Korea Land"


Korean song "Dokdo is Korea Land" is a propaganda song and a most effective tool to inflame Korean hatred against Japan and Japanese because Korea has been drilling all Korean in singing song of "Dokdo is Korea Land" from very early childhood.

I regret to say that it is the bitter truth that all Korean born after WW2 are affected by this brainwashing song in their subconscious.


The lyrics of this song are very PROVOCATIVE ones.




80 kilo away East-South from Ulleungdo,

there is a lonely aisle for sea birds.

Even if whoever persists it's their land, ←(this must be an IMPUTATION against Japan)

Dokdo is Korea Land.


13th year of Jijeung, Woosankuk island

3rd line, page 50 geography book of Sejong

Hawaii is American, Daemado is Japanese ← 

(this part is "Tsushima (of Japan) is Korea land" when they sing this song in Korea)

Dokdo is Korea land.



"13th year of Jijeung, Woosankuk island. 3rd line, page 50 geography book of Sejong" is as below.

There is no dokdo(独島) in these sentences.


Book :『三国史記』 巻四 智證麻于十三年夏六月条 (13th year of Jijeung,)




The subjects of these sentences are 于山国 (Woosankuk island).



于山国  (Woosankuk island)  surrendered.

于山国  (Woosankuk island) brought the products of the land as an annual tribute.

于山国  (Woosankuk island)  is an island in the sea due east of 溟州.

于山国  (Woosankuk island) is alias ​​of 鬱陵島 (Ulleungdo).


This shows us that 于山国 (Woosankuk island)  is  欝陵島 (Ulleungdo).



Book:『世宗実録』地理志 (Geography book of Sejong)


于山武陵二島在県正東海中 二島相去不遠 風日清明則可望見 

新羅時称于山国一云欝陵島 地方百里



于山武陵二島 is in the sea due east from here.

于山武陵二島 is not far from here each other.

于山武陵二島 can be seen from here on a clear and fine day.

于山武陵二島 was called 于山国 in Shilla Dynasty.

It is said that 于山武陵二島 is 欝陵島 itself.

于山武陵二島 has 40 square kilo.


This says clearly 于山国 ( Woosankuk island) is 欝陵島 (Ulleungdo),

And there is no "独島(dokdo)" anywhere in the sentences.

欝陵島 (Ulleungdo) = 于山国 ( Woosankuk island) = 于山武陵二島


 Additional evidence enforced the above facts

Book:『高麗史』地理志(巻五八)  (Geography book of Goryeo


鬱陵島 在縣正東海中 新羅時 称于山国 一伝武陵 一伝于陵、............一云于山武陵 本二島相距不遠 風日清明則可望見 

The subjects of all these sentences are



欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)  is in the sea due East from here.
It is said that
欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)  is 于山国 (Woosankuk island).
It is said that
欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)  is 武陵 (Buryo)
It is said that
欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)  is 于陵 (Wooryo)
It is said that
欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)  is 于山武陵 (Wooryo-Buryo)  itself.

欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)(=于山武陵(Wooryo-Buryo))  is not far from here.
欝陵島 (Ulleungdo)  can be seen on a clear and calm day.

This shows us that
欝陵島 (Ulleungdo) called as 于山 (Woosankuk island), 武陵 (Buryo), 于陵 (Uryo) and 于山武陵 (Woosan-Buryo).
They are same island, actually one island's aliases.
From the peninsula,
鬱陵島, 于山, 武陵, 于陵 or 于山武陵 whatever they called, this island, 欝陵島 (Ulleungdo), can be seen on a calm and clear day.

All books above are Korean old books.

Common Korean nowadays cannot read Chinese characters, South Korea ill-uses it.

 They didn't know Takeshima at the time.



The occupation of Takeshima by Korea is an illegal occupation undertaken on absolutely no basis of international law. No measure taken by Korea during its illegal occupation with regard to Takeshima has any legal justification. This illegal occupation is not acceptable in any way, given Japan's position on its sovereignty over Takeshima. Japan has been consistently making strong protests against each and every measure taken by Korea and demanding the withdrawal of the measure.


This territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea over Takeshima is quite simple.

Just go to the international court!!

Japan has been insisting to go to ICJ in over 60 years. 





Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.