kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

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History / Senkaku 尖閣  Ming Recognized East China Sea and South China Sea as Out of its Territorial Waters

Ming recognized East China Sea as Out of its ...


History / Senkaku 皇明実録 明代の尖閣は無主地 - YouTube


Contradicting Beijing's more recent claims, a document from the early 17th century shows that Ming did not control over the Senkaku Islands and underlines Japan's insistence that they are an inherent part of Japanese territory.


Associate professor Nozomu Ishii of Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University found a record in an official collection of Ming dynasty, which describes the arrest and interrogation of a Japanese envoy from Nagasaki, by a Chinese local government official.


This episode was in “皇明実録 (Huangming shilu)”.

“皇明実録 (Huangming shilu)” which means the Veritable Annals of the Ming dynasty is an official collection of chronologically arranged primary sources from the Ming court.

This Chinese local governor was 韓仲雍 (Han Zhongyong), the Prosecutor General of the Chinese Admiralty Board in Fujian, who administrated Fujian admiralty court and coast guard at the time.

The name of a Japanese envoy from Nagasaki was 明石道友 (Akashi Doyu).


According to the record, a Chinese local government official met A Japanese envoy and mentioned the names of islands, including one on the eastern edge of the Matsu Islands, about 40 kilometers off the Chinese mainland, that was controlled by the Ming and said the ocean beyond the islands was free for China and any other nation to navigate.





沿岸を守る長官「海道副使」だった韓仲雍(Han Zhong Yong)が、長崎からの使者・明石道友を逮捕・尋問した際の記録で、皇帝への上奏文として『皇明実録』中の「神宗顕皇帝実録」巻之五百六十に納められていたものである。


There are islands to the South, Taisha Islands, Four Shuang Islands, Dongyin Islands, Wuqiuyu Islets and Penghu Islands, all are in the front yard of Fujian. How can I allow you in the area? Beyond that, however, the vast expanse of sea was open for any nation both Chinese and other barbarians to do as they like.










The Senkaku Islands were put under Japanese jurisdiction in 1895 after confirming that no nation had claimed them.



What they call "Diaoyu islands" never appears on any of old Chinese documents.

1. No Chinse person ever lived in the Senkaku Islands in HISTORY.
2. Not a word or protest was ever delivered to Japan from China in HISTORY (until oil was found there).
3. Peace Treaty in 1952 did not change the legal status (territoriality) of the Senkaku Islands. Only the right of administration was granted for the U.S., between 1952-1972.


Senkaku Islands belong to Japan.


 More information about the issue: 

History / Senkaku Islands of Japan 


History / Senkaku 尖閣  斎鯤「東瀛百詠」と大清一統志 


History / Senkaku 尖閣 明代の尖閣は無主地







Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.