kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

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Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.

Essay / Arrogant: Whaling, Racism, Culture, Slavery and Colonization







この日本たたきの背景には、一定の価値観(固定観念)を信じる世間がある。多くは欧米の「人のよい」人たちだ。自分達の価値観が普遍的で道徳的にも宗教的にも正しいと信じているがゆえに、ある型にはまった情景を見せられると、勝手に自分達の狭い世界の価値観で善悪や美醜を判断してしまう人々なのだ。宗教的影響からだろうか、彼らには二者択一の世界観しかない(それに気づいてもいない)。“My Own NGO”や政治家達は彼らを利用し、商売や政治的扇動をしている。


The so called civilized people have often been pressing their civilized sense of value on the people who were named "barbarians" by civilized people under the name of civilization in history, and sadly because of civilization we have lost many cultures like Incaic Empire in South America, Ainu in Japan and various aborigine cultures in the world. 

It was the “Civilized” people that produced colonization, slavery and racism. All these sense of value are produced by "civilized common" scale at the time. No one was able to realize that their common sense was the wrong "scale". The people believed their sense of value was common, civilized and religious justice eternally. 
However civilization produced a few real common treasures like "rule of law" and "fundamental human rights", there are still a lot of contradictions and differences which cannot be measured and weighed in the world because of our lacking unified common scale. 

Before you take sides with any opinion like the issue that highly contained cultural, historical and religious aspects, for example what to be food for human and what to be enshrined as sacred animal, you must know that it is the sense of superiority or arrogance for us to single out the particular person or country as a target about a cultural religious controversial issue and bashing him or her. 

In our history there have been the people who always tend to settle everything in two ways, right or wrong, fair or unfair, left or right, moral or immoral, blah blah blah, however, this sort of thinking have frequently led us to nowhere but to wrong path.



Romanus Pontifex, 
Latin for 'The Roman Bishop', is a papal bull written in 1454 by Pope Nicholas V to King Afonso V of Portugal. As a follow-up to the Dum Diversas, it confirmed to the Crown of Portugal dominion over all lands discovered or conquered during the Age of Discovery. The Papal Bull permitted the enslavement and conquest of all lands south of Cape Bojador in Africa. Along with encouraging the seizure of the lands of Saracen Turks and non-Christians (labeled pagans), it repeated the earlier bull's permission for the enslavement of such peoples. The bull's primary purpose was to forbid other Christian nations from infringing the King of Portugal's rights of trade and colonisation in these regions. 


Dum Diversas [English: 'Until different'] is a papal bull issued on 18 June 1452 by Pope Nicholas V, that is credited by some with "ushering in the West African slave trade." It authorized Afonso V of Portugal to conquer Saracens and pagans and consign them to "perpetual servitude." Pope Calixtus III reiterated the bull in 1456 with Etsi cuncti, renewed by Pope Sixtus IV in 1481 and Pope Leo X in 1514 with Precelse denotionis. The concept of the consignment of exclusive spheres of influence to certain nation states was extended to the Americas in 1493 by Pope Alexander VI with Inter caetera. 

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#Whaling #dolphin #slavery #SuperiorityComplex

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.