kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

Be love Be peace Be harmony Be compassion Be joy

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.

「百人切り競争」記事の背景 Background to the "100-man slaying contest" article


 The following is based on an article in the Sankei Shimbun on June 18, 2001.






Articles in the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun and other newspapers state that Second Lieutenant Noda and Second Lieutenant Mukai began a "100-man slaying contest" on the battlefield, and reported the progress to reporters as it progressed.


 However, according to notes left by Noda after the war, in the fall of 1937, the two were approached by a reporter from the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun in Wuxi, who asked, "How about a contest to see how many people you can slay from Wuxi to Nanjing? I'm looking for something special to write an article about." When Mukai mockingly agreed, the reporter replied: "If the heroic tales of the 100-man slaying contest appear in an article, brides will flock to you," and "Leave the article entirely to the reporter."


The two Second Lieutenants and the reporter parted ways in Wuxi, and according to Second Lieutenant Noda, when he reunited with the reporter, the article about the "100-man slaying contest" had already become a hot topic in Japan.


百人斬り競争を報じる1937年12月13日の東京日日新聞。写真右は野田毅少尉 、左は向井敏明少尉(常州にて佐藤振壽撮影)


Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.