kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

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Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.

Entries from 2017-12-01 to 1 month

1702 元禄十五年 琉球国八重山島 / 沖縄は日本

国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブより「琉球国八重山島(元禄)」国の重要文化財元禄十五(1702)年 のご紹介。 Of these, the creation of the Genroku Kuni Ezu was ordered in 1696, and it is said that the maps covering almost the entire country of Ja…

1904 A map of part of Tibet

A map of part of Tibet : including Sikkim, the Chumbi Valley & Bhutan showing the routes between Darjiling and Lhasa. Title : A map of part of Tibet : including Sikkim, the Chumbi Valley & Bhutan showing the routes between Darjiling and Lh…

1867 慶應3年 尖閣の西に境界線

1868年版 Stieler, Adolf (1775-1836)氏調製の「Hand Atlas」内、 A.Petermann氏作成の 「CHAINA (ÖSTEL.THEIL), KOREA UND JAPAN」図 出版社:Justus Perthes氏(ドイツ ゴータ)出版年 1867年 参考:1868年版「Hand Atlas」はこちらでも閲覧・確認できます…

1868【明治元年、尖閣の西に境界線あり 無主地と確認するまで 伊井 茂・赤染 康久・石井 望】

2013年9月29日から10月4日にかけて、八重山日報に紹介された掲題の記事については下記の通りブログでも紹介していますが、4年以上たったことでもあり、SNSへの引用にも便利なように一纏めにしておくこととする。 History / Senkaku 八重山日報 【欧州でも「…

Achievement of the Japanese for Indonesia’s Independence

At the center of Jakarta is Merdeka Park. Besides raising statues of Hatta and Sukarno, the Indonesians also raised a 37-meter tall Memorial Tower of Independence. On the first floor of the basement, there is the original statement of the …

15) Interview with Mr. Minami Masayoshi (南正義) , Reporter for the Shin-Aichi Shimbun

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There- By Ara Ken’ichi If you want to read full text, visit (Society for the Dissemination of Historic…


Following sentences are quoted and extracted from SDHF Newsletter No.131 Tongzhou Massacre No.1 Posted on 21/07/2016 "Bearing Witness to the Ravages of War in North China” by Yoshiya Nobuko July 21, 2014 If you want to read full text, visi…

The Philippines under Spanish rule for over 300 years

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Road from Perry’s Arrival to Pearl Harbor - Why America started a War against Japan? - By Henry S. Stokes If you want to read full text, visit (Society for the Dissemination of Historic…

Japan’s proposal at the Paris Conference to abolish racial discrimination

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Road from Perry’s Arrival to Pearl Harbor - Why America started a War against Japan? - By Henry S. Stokes If you want to read full text, visit (Society for the Dissemination of Historic…


平成29(2017)年12月12日に、思いついたことをFacebookにこう書きこんだ。 マキャヴェリズムは政治を宗教から切り離した。そもそも全ての教条主義から政治は切離されるべきだろう。教条とは「独善の世界」だから、「独善」を教義とする共産主義が「君主論」…

10) Interview with Mr. Higuchi Tetsuo (樋口哲雄), Film Operator for the Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There- By Ara Ken’ichi If you want to read full text, visit (Society for the Dissemination of Historic…

台湾は台湾、台湾はチャイナの一部ではない / 広辞苑 第七版 

【広辞苑「中華人民共和国の一部?」「台湾省?」】 欽定大清一統志 画像は d.hatena.ne.jp で紹介している「欽定大清一統志」の一部です。 台湾府(中略)古くから荒服の地(都から遠く離れた土地)であり、中国(我が文明)とは行き来はなく、「東蕃」と呼…


12月23日は、処刑と言う形で公務死なされた人々の命日でもあります。 時のGHQ最高責任者の命によって「ストップウォッチを手に、タイムテーブルに則り」*1 、まず東條、土肥原、武藤、松井の4人が昭和23年12月23日0時1分30秒に処刑され、次いで板垣、広田、…


Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian's Quest for the Truth by Higashinakano Shudo (Author) If you want to read full text, visit (the Web site: Society for the Disseminatio…

第0列島線 香港・マカオにはチャイナと一線を引く歴史的根拠がある

香港では国歌斉唱の際に若者が「嘘だ」と言ったり、替え歌を歌ったりしている。つい最近も「中国」国歌にブーイングで香港サッカー協会が罰金をとられると言うニュースが流れた。 中国国歌へのブーイングで罰金=サッカー国際試合で香港協会に:時事ドットコ…

Open Letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Universal Periodical Review Working Group for Japan in November 2017

+++以下は「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道氏からのメールを抜粋・編集したもの+++ 11月14日に行われた国連人権理事会UPR(普遍的・定期的レヴュー)対日審査に関し、慰安婦の真実国民運動(代表:加瀬英明)、不当な日本批判を正す学者の会(会長:…

戦線後方記録映画-南京 Documentary Nanjing of 1937-38

東宝映画文化映画部製作、昭和13(1938)年、2月20日公開 Released on February 20, 1938 in Japan. Produced by Toho Movie / Bunka Eiga-bu. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlYBzKP5SbM] This is the true and genuine documentary movie of N…

戦線後方記録映画-南京 Documentary Nanjing of 1937-38

東宝映画文化映画部製作、昭和13(1938)年、2月20日公開Released on February 20, 1938 in Japan. Produced by Toho Movie / Bunka Eiga-bu. This is the true and genuine documentary movie of Nanjing City after the Battle of Nanjing in 1937. Like m…

20) Interview with Major Okada Yuji (岡田酉次), Staff, Special Duty Section of the Shanghai Expeditionary Army

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There- By Ara Ken’ichi In 1930, Mr. Okada Yuji, then an accounting officer, was studying in the depart…

The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There-

The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There- By Ara Ken’ichi No. 5: Chapter 2 Nanjing, as Observed by Japanese Soldiers The Army, 19)~21) We present No. 5 in this series, which contains Cha…

1849 独 チャイナ図に描かれるチャイナの範囲 台湾島西岸と北方沿岸の小島のみ 尖閣はなし

1849年のドイツ地図Meyer's Zeitungs-Atlasのうちのチャイナ図 1849年は和暦で嘉永2年、清の 道光29年 ▼台湾島の西岸と北方の小島のみがチャイナとして描かれている。台湾の東半分と尖閣は地図に描かれていない。澎湖諸島、琉球嶼が描かれているのと対照をな…

Nanjing, as Observed by Japanese Soldiers

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There- By Ara Ken’ichi Chapter 2 Nanjing, as Observed by Japanese Soldiers “As a matter of fact, I sym…

欧米で 白人の救世主 の心情を操る 中華従北プロパガンダ 南京・慰安婦

ノア・ベラツキーは白人救世主の映画は、「悪い白人の人々に服従させられ、善い白人の尽力によって自由を獲得した」黒人の人々の一つの物語の変化であると言う。 「狡猾な日本人」に服従させられ、善い白人によって自由を獲得した「チャイナ人」と「半島人」…


「法の下の平等」の解説が権利と義務の「平等」と「法の下」の「下」の意味を語るばかりだ。国民主権下の「法」は社会の維持防衛に係わる国民の価値観に立脚しているのだから、日本国民の歴史や文化に根差した価値観が問われていると気付くべきだ。 以上、20…

The 13 fundamental facts laid out below describe the situation in Nanking when the city was occupied by the Japanese in 1937

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian's Quest for the Truth by Higashinakano Shudo (Author) PREFACE In this book, we present newly unearthed information pertaining to the o…

Were 5,000 Persons Killed Each Day?

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian's Quest for the Truth by Higashinakano Shudo (Author) Nevertheless, in The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II, I…

The Realities of the Shrewd Propaganda 3: Exaggerated Facts

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian's Quest for the Truth by Higashinakano Shudo (Author) In the first four chapters of What War Means, the articles described the city af…




Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian's Quest for the Truth by Higashinakano Shudo (Author) 1. On December 13, 1937, approximately 67 years ago, the city of Nanking fell. J…

Overcrowding in the Safety Zone

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian's Quest for the Truth by Higashinakano Shudo (Author) Nanking had become a city with two faces. It is described, in What War Means: Ja…

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.