kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

Be love Be peace Be harmony Be compassion Be joy

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.

1598 Dutch Bungo(豊後) Xicoca(四国) Sasuma(薩摩) Lequio maior(大琉球) Lequio minor(小琉球)

The location of the Map.



Caert-thresoor, inhoudende de tafelen des gantsche werelts landen met beschryvingen verlicht tot lust vanden leser nu alles van nieus met groote costen en arbeyt toegereet
by Langenes, Barent

Published 1598
Topics Geography

Publisher [Tot Middelburch : by Barent Langenes ende men vintse te coop by Cornelis Claesz]
Pages 684
Language Dutch








Bungo(豊後) Xicoca(四国) Sasuma(薩摩) Lequio maior(大琉球) Lequio minor(小琉球)

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.