kaiunmanzoku's bold audible sighs

Be love Be peace Be harmony Be compassion Be joy

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.

歴史歪曲 戦史観 propaganda

Essay / Yasukuni Shrine is NOT "War Shrine"

2014年12月17日に以下をワシントンポストに投稿しました。 Do you know no country in the world had blamed Japan PM’s visit to pay homage to the war dead at ‪#Yasukuni‬ until August 14, 1985? No country including ‪#China‬ & ‪#Korea‬ had blamed …


政府は日本の警備力、防衛力、諜報力、防諜力を高めよ! ‪#沖縄‬ ‪#対中迎合‬ ‪#龍柱‬ ‪#新疆沖縄自治区‬ 人民日報は『釣魚島に関して「中日が異なる見解を有している」ことも明記されている』と強く主張し、日本メディアが一斉に、日中の4つの共通認識の解…

To all the people who concern about #Senkaku Islands Issue,

To all the people who concern about #Senkaku Islands Issue,Japan's position on the islands IS UNCHANGED! There is NO unsolved territorial issue in the #EastChinaSea.Senkaku Islands are genuine Japanese territory inherent to Japan both lega…

Essay / Comfort Women Issue Don't forget the fact that Japan never stepped in any type of human trafficking

If you want to assert the historical truth, watch your tongue!However you only want to say that there is no "historical fact" that Japanese government forced women in occupied territories to be prostitutes for Japanese Army, you'll only be…

Essay / Arrogant: Whaling, Racism, Culture, Slavery and Colonization


HIstory / Japan    Complex and disturbing anti-Japanese propaganda film produced to spur the sale of U.S. war bonds

History / Korea Under the Cover of the Invasion of Takeshima.

The reason why "Dokdo is NOT Korea Land" - YouTube South Korea conceals the historical facts from Korean people under the cover of Takeshima invasion.These facts are as follows.(No.1) The Autumn Uprising of 1946 in Korea was a pe…

Essay / 保釣運動 中共とそのシンパに利用される歴史を学ばない民族主義者達の反日運動

過去に書いた記事の再アップです。多少見直してみました。 保釣運動(ほちょううんどう) 保釣運動とは、日本固有の領土である尖閣諸島を中国領土であると主張して、中国人社会で行われている「領土返還」運動のことを言う。「保釣」の「釣」とは中国側によ…

History / Senkaku 尖閣  Ming Recognized East China Sea and South China Sea as Out of its Territorial Waters

Ming recognized East China Sea as Out of its ... History / Senkaku 皇明実録 明代の尖閣は無主地 - YouTube Contradicting Beijing's more recent claims, a document from the early 17th century shows that Ming did not control over the Senkaku Is…

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. 引用・転載はご自由に。ただし、引用元・転載元だけ明記ください。 Feel free to copy and reprint but please just specify an origin of quotation.